
Jun 12, 2010

weimar culture

Berlin, 1918-1933
- Otto Dix -
Portrait of the Journalist Sylvia Von Harden, 1926

Grosstadt triptych, 1927-28

The Salon, 1921

Three Prostitutes on the Street, 1925

Skull, 1924

Reclining Woman on a Leopard Skin, 1927

Otto Dix & his wife Martha, 1925-26

The Dancer Anita Berber, 1925

- Anita Berber -
Anita Berber & Sebastian Droste

Sebastian Droste

Algol: Tragedy of Power, 1920

Algol - screenshot

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, 1920

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari - screenshot

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